As I mentioned last week, I’ve partnered with United With Love on a monthly blog series about planning your home wedding! My first installment was all about your backyard space and wedding budgets – super sexy, right? I know, I know, but these are the necessary first steps when planning your wedding. This week we are talking about your wedding tent.

Your wedding tent going to be a big piece of your wedding budget, so it is important to figure out early on. I have written more introductory information on wedding tents so that you aren’t walking into this process blind.
In addition to providing your wedding tent, a tent company might also provide lighting, fans, heaters, generators, or restrooms. Find out if they own these items or subrent them out. Often with subrentals, you will end up paying more for the tent company to be the middle man.

Top photo by Katie Stoops. You can see more from this Virginia home wedding, including the wedding details, the backyard wedding ceremony, and the tented wedding reception.
Bottom photo by Michelle Lindsay – you can see more from that Virginia wedding: wedding preparations, the poolside reception, and the tented celebration.
Interested in more wedding planning basics? I’ve got a planning timeline and a sample budget for at-home weddings.